Old beliefs and traditions are not working any more. Scriptural instructions don’t seem to be relevant today. What is happening? BY HDG B.S. TIRTHA MAHARAJ This is the malady. People want the scriptures to be rewritten to endorse their moral misdemeanours and ethical bankruptcy. They frantically seek scriptural corroboration to substantiate their promiscuous conduct and greed. People long for support from the shastras to rationalise their mercantile mindsets and hypocritical relationships. Please try to understand that traditions were formed and beliefs were grounded on a firm set of principles based on scriptural authenticity. The scriptures contain authoritative directions laid down by great sages and seers. They have documented their experiences and revelations, supported by realisations. Their statements are not merely theoretical or academic. Those guiding principles are more relevant today than at any earlier time. They are universal and applicable at all times, contrary to your claim; you only need a spiritual guide to understand the intrinsic purpose and spirit of scriptural directions. The Book "You Ask He Answers" Chapter - My World.